Time Exposure Experiment
Experiment Kickoff: 5/1/99
Status: Ongoing
Our goal is to attempt to capture what seem to be visible moving energy on film, which may manifest itself as mist, orbs, or streaks in standard anomalous photographs.
This page is broken down into the following sections:
Facts About Time Exposure Photography - More information to follow shortly.
Time Exposure Experiment Results - Up to date results from our use of time exposure photography through the course of our investigations.
Examples of Time Exposure Photography - Examples of photographs taken using time exposure photography. No anomalous images.
Key Points When Working With Time Exposure Photography - More information to follow shortly.
Facts About Time Exposure Photography
Look for facts about time exposure photography here shortly, including our rationale for using this method of photography in our investigations.
Time Exposure Experiment Results
We have used time exposure photography on the following occasions during the course of our investigations. They are as follows:
May 2, 1999 - Mount Thabor Cemetery - No anomalous results obtained.
Examples of Time Exposure Photography
Time Exposure 1 - This photo was taken at 3:00 am, under a bright moonlit sky. Settings were f 1.7, 60 second exposure time. Note the streak in the upper left corner, demonstrating the earth's rotation in relation to the star.
Time Exposure 2 - Another photo taken at 3:00 am. Settings were the same as in the previous photo, with the moon located in front of rather than behind the camera.
Key Points When Working With Time Exposure Photography
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