Monty's Pictures

Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
November 11, 2002 Mount Thabor Cemetery Crystal Lake, Illinois 10:20-11:20 AM ° F

Orb Near Person

Billowing Mist

Equipment used: Toshiba PDR-M81 digital still camera

Notes:Out of 125 photos, these are the only two with results. Every precaution was used to prevent false positive results.

Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
September 9, 2002 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 12:40-2:30 AM 75° F Clear

Fulton Area Mist

Fulton Area Orb

Equipment used: Toshiba PDR-M81 digital still camera

Notes:These two images were taken within a minute of each other (1:09 am), the first showing a mist to the right of the subject, and the second a blue orb with trail in motion. This area constitutes the most active at Bachelor's Grove, the results of this type (blue mist/orb) at this exact location are innumerable.

Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
March 20, 2001 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 12:40-2:00 AM 30° F Clear

Mist Over Pond

Crazy Mist

Equipment used: Canon Z-115 with Kodak Gold 400 Max


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
September 26, 2000 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 12:00-1:15 AM 35° F Clear

Anomalous Energy

Equipment used: Canon Z-115 with Kodak Gold 400 Max


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
February 5, 2000 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 12:00-12:50 AM 25° F Clear

Trail Mist

Trail Mist 2

Unexplainable Form

Equipment used: Canon Z-115 with Kodak Gold 400 Max


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
August 6, 1999 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 8:00-11:00 PM ° F Clear

Trail Orbs

Equipment used: Canon Z-115 with Kodak Gold 400 Max


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
August 2, 1999 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 8:40-9:25 PM 65° F Clear

IR Orb - The orb in this photo was seen through the viewfinder of a camcorder just prior to being photographed. This indicates that it was a result of some type of energy that was visible to the camcorders CCD element.

Streaks - This photo was taken a few moments after another group that was using a ouija board left the area.

Equipment used: Canon Z-115 with Kodak Gold 400 Max


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
July 2, 1999 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 4:00-5:00 AM ° F Clear

Segmented Orb

Equipment used: Fuji disposable camera with 800 ASA film


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
June 20, 1999 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 8:00-10:00 PM 65° F Clear

Trail Orbs

Equipment used: Canon Z-115 with Kodak Gold 400


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
April 24, 1999 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 5:45 pm - 8:45 pm 55° F Clear

Blue Mist

Equipment used: Canon Z-115 with Kodak Gold 400


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
February 6, 1999 Mount Thabor Cemetery Crystal Lake, Illinois 12:30 am - 2:00 am 20° F Clear

Red Strand

Green Streak

Equipment used: Canon Z-115 with Kodak Gold 400


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
December 12, 1998 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 1:00 am - 1:45 pm N/A Clear


Equipment used: Advantix 4100 with Kodak Gold 400 APS


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
September 28, 1998 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm 50° F Clear

Orange Light - This photo is an anomalous orange light taken at Bachelor's Grove Cemetery on September 28, 1998 at approximately 9:30 pm, temp. was approx. 50°f. This photo was taken on a Canon Z-115 using Kodak Gold 400. Investigators on this trip were Andrew, J.T. and myself. This was the 1 year anniversary of the investigation where I got the apparition of the face in the bush (this picture soon to be posted).

Ecto Swirls - This photo was also taken at Bachelor's Grove, on the same day as the first, at approx. 8:30 pm - all other info is the same. This picture shows some movement to the far right edge. Possibly ectoplasmic swirls? However, the light in the trees appears somewhat blurred, so it is hard to determine exactly what caused the movement. The key is that the light through the trees is blurred in a straight motion while the image to the right makes definite jogs, as if it were in constant motion.

Equipment used: Canon Z-115 with Kodak Gold 400


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
September 6, 1998 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 9:15 pm - 10:00 pm N/A Clear

Gate Orbs

Equipment used: Pentax with Kodak Gold Max 400


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
June 6, 1998 Mount Thabor Cemetery Crystal Lake, Illinois 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm N/A Clear

Multiple Solid Orbs

Huge Orb

Solid Orb

Equipment used: Kodak Gold 400


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
June 6, 1998 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 11:45 pm - 2:00 am N/A Clear

Tree Orb

Equipment used: Kodak Gold 400


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
April 24, 1998 Mount Thabor Cemetery, Crystal Lake, Illinois 1:30 am - 2:00 am 60° F Clear

Pulsating Anomalous Light 1 - see notes below

Pulsating Anomalous Light 2 (updated) - see notes below

Pulsating Anomalous Light 3 - see notes below

Pulsating Anomalous Light 4 - see notes below

Equipment used: Canon Sure Shot Z-115 using Kodak Gold 400 speed film

Notes: Regarding these four pictures:

These four pictures show the presence of an anomaly that appears as a pulsating strand of light. It is my belief that this is actually the trail of the anomaly's movement. This movement is shown by the breaks (black areas) within the strand- the same breaks that make it appear as if it is pulsating. Notice also the fact that in one photo the path turns back on itself, then carries on its course. If you follow the patterns of its movement, you can see that the anomaly appears to travel closer to and away from the camera. This depth of movement discounts the possibility of a damaged photograph or negative: if either was damaged, the mark would appear as a scratch on the surface, there would be no forward/back movement, only left to right markings.

Judging by the tree in the pictures we can see that this particular anomaly travelled a great distance in an incredibly short period of time - the shutter speed is about 1/60th of one second! Also, at no time during this investigation was the light captured here visible to the naked eye. While all of these images came from the same 24 exposure roll of film, they were NOT consecutive frames: the images appear on the negatives in frames 4, 12, 19 and 21. The entire roll was taken at random during a 30 minute period. Therefore, considering the amount of time that would have passed between the first and last photographs, we can safely assume that this anomaly was active for at least 20 minutes. Unfortunately, it was late and I was tired. If I had stayed, how many more times would this anomaly have appeared? Who knows how many minutes or hours it remained active after my departure from the cemetery?

Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
April 20, 1998 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Midlothian, Illinois 1:15 pm - 3:10 pm ° F Clear

Tree - This is a wide angle view of the central area of Bachelor's Grove. While it is not possible to see on this scanned version of the photo, there is a strange face-like image on the trunk area of the tree that appears in the middle of the picture. The image below shows the location of the face-like shape, as well as two closeup views of the image itself.

Tree Face - The middle view of the face-like shape in this picture is as it was scanned on auto adjust settings. The right view was color, brightness, and contrast adjusted strictly to highlight the image.

Daytime orb -

Equipment used: Vivitar; Fuji 400 speed Superia


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
March 6, 1998 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, Midlothian, Illinois 2:00 - 2:45 am    

Mist 1 - Taken by Monty's friend Jeanna Cameron

Mist 2

Equipment used: Kodak disposable 35 mm camera


Date Location Time Temp. Conditions
March 1, 1998 Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, Midlothian, Illinois 9:00 - 10:00 pm   Shortly after rain storm

Strange Pattern - Perhaps coincidental, but strange nonetheless, is the pattern taken by the evaporated moisture on the Fulton stone here.

Light in Tree - An opaque white orb, a typical Bachelor's Grove anomaly. The left side of the object is translucent, and appears to be in motion.

White Dot - Another opaque white orb, this one curiously small, immediately behind the Fulton stone.

Equipment used: Kodak Gold Max 800 film


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